Viewpoints - My Blue Ridge Parkway Sunset View

A Blue Ridge Parkway sunset was on the list of things to shoot when a couple of my photography friends came to visit me in the mountains a couple of weeks ago. Nadeen was coming all the way from California to visit and Jennifer from Virginia Beach so the two full days we had to shoot together were packed full of places to see. Disappointingly, rain was in the forecast, so we needed to make every moment count while they were here.

On the first night they arrived, I took them up to Craggy Gardens. Fog was (as usual) covering the pinnacle but just beyond the gardens on the parkway the view was much more promising. The fog was still around a bit and the skies were threatening rain, but all of that combined made for some ripe atmospheric conditions.

The sun was hidden behind the ominous clouds, but it's rays were dancing all over the mountain range. I struggled between just watching how beautiful it was and trying to capture what I was seeing. It sure was magical!


Eventually I switched to my zoom lens to capture a close up of the light show. I never get tired of the layers upon layers of mountains we have.


We had a great two days together. I'm still wading through all the images I shot, so more shares will be on the way!

Viewpoints is collective blog consisting of members who love landscape photography. This month is no exception to the beauty that surrounds us in this world. My very talented friend Nadeen Flynn is next in line. Follow the circle around to see her view this month.